Xanadu @Southwark Playhouse, 12/11/2015

Xanadu is a musical currently playing at The Southwark theatre that is based on the 80s cult classic movie with the same name starring Olivia Newton-John and Gene Kelly. Music and lyrics are by Jeff Lynne (ELO) and John Farrar.

In short this musical is a parody of the 80s life style in America. The story is that of a struggling mural artist who gets help from muse Clio in the inspiration department. Sonny, the struggling artist, is then inspired to open his own roller disco where the arts can be displayed freely. Clio, the Greek muse descended from Mount Olympus, take son the human form of Kira who has the most hilarious Australian accent. She then falls in love with Sonny (of course) but it is a forbidden love (of course) as she is not allowed to fall in love with a mortal, being a muse from Mount Olympus and all.


The story is a hilarious tale of being inspired and distracted by love all at the same time and that love can overcome all. Sounds boring? It is anything but that! The characters are lovable and there is no better era to mock for artistically creations than the 80s. Plus, there’s a roller disco, I mean, what more do you need? The music is heavenly 80s pop and the costumes are too. There’s a pegasus and a centaur, and some very sparkly roller disco 80s jackets.

It’s a very adorable musical, and while I was not convinced whether or not the acting was intentionally bad or not, I still loved every second of this musical. And when “Xanadu” blares through the speakers in the end, we all had a hard time not getting up and singing along.

Not sure what song I’m going on about, well here’s your tune: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDxcfTm1QTc