Ruston Kelly unveils Heaven Made the Darkness

Ruston Kelly shares “Heaven Made the Darkness,” a new, previously-unreleased track that was written and recorded during the sessions for his critically lauded 2023 album The Weakness.

Kelly, who has candidly shared his struggles with addiction and sobriety, sends a powerful message of encouragement, empathy, and communion on “Heaven Made the Darkness.”

I know you’re afraid now
You’re feeling like a little kid
Like you can’t find a way out
And you’ll always feel like this
So let me come over
Remind you of the little things
Like your head on my shoulder
When we listen to the church bells ring
Maybe heaven made the darkness
So we could better find paradise
Don’t you dare give up when it’s hardes
That could be the moment you get it right

He notes, “I’ve found that hope can appear in what would seemingly be unlikely places, but if you look closer you can see it’s not unlikely at all. The little things, the simple things, the things I can daily take for granted are what I’ve found to be the largest and most luminescent sources of hope. Just knowing someone loves you contains enough goodness to completely revitalize a worn-down spirit. You just have to be present to remember that. And at the end of it, pain will always be dwarfed by love.”

Kelly (vocals and guitar) is accompanied on the track by producer Nate Mercereau (guitar, bass, drums, guitar synthesizer, sampler, mandolin, slide guitar) and Carlos Niño (percussion).

The track is the first of what will eventually be released as a collection of b-sides and alternate album tracks, slated for release in 2024.